
Coaching Programs

Select from One-on-One or Group Sessions
As the founder of Artpreneur, my real passion is helping others achieve their goals. I’m inspired by the people I work with, and those special moments I see when someone has a major breakthrough in their journey. My mission is to help you establish a platform, build your brand, raise your visibility and accomplish your creative goals. Following are ways you and I can work together, whether in an accelerated one-on-one program or in a group environment:

ArtistAccelerator: Monthly VIP Coaching

Scale your art career and accelerate your results. In the ArtistAccelerator™ program, I work with you one-on-one for six months to help you make the leap to a successful career as an artist or creative entrepreneur. By the end of our time together you will have all the tools in place you need to actualize your goals. This program also includes all the benefits of the ArtpreneurLab™ platform.

The ArtpreneurLab

If you’re interested in building your platform to do more of what you love, but didn’t know where to get mentorship, our ArtpreneurLab™ group coaching program is the right choice for you. If you’d like Private Coaching calls from me, Zoom Hangouts, and a community of artists to bounce your ideas off of, ArtpreneurLab™ is for you!

60 Minute Coaching Session

Are you feeling stuck? My 60-minute coaching session is an important time reserved just for you to tackle a specific problem. It’s immensely fulfilling to have a coach focused exclusively on you, helping to push you toward realizing your goals.

60 Minute Portfolio Review

As an artist it is important to get feedback on your work, and see if you are on the right track. It is also an opportunity to meet experts, such as a curator, a gallerist, or a publisher, who may be interested in supporting your career through an exhibition or other opportunity.

Don’t Wait Any Longer.
Start Forging Your Own Path Today!